bibingka royal – /bi-bíng-ka ro-yál/ Ilocano snack) [n.] flat glutinous rice cake.
A baked wide flat rice cake. Its light yellow color is from the yolks of chicken eggs used in the ingredients. Bibingka royal is brushed on top with melted butter or margarine, sprinkled with white sugar, and topped with grated cheese. The commonly used cheese is Eden cheese, cheddar cheese, or any processed filled cheese that can easily be grated into strands like those used for ensaimada bread.
When served, it is sliced like pizza and served with the optional grated coconut meat as topping right before eating.
To make bibingka royal you need at least 3 whole chicken eggs, a cup of refined sugar, 1-1/4 cups of kakang gata (coconut cream), 2 cups of galapong (ground glutinous rice batter), and 4 teaspoons of baking powder to help raise the rice batter.Before mixing all the ingredients, the oven is preheated so baking will proceed right after the mixing process.Mixing procedure start by combining sugar and half of the coconut cream in a mixing bowl and stirred well until sugar are dissolved.In another mixing bowl, the rice flour and baking powder are mixed and sifted. White sugar is added to sifted rice flour and the mixed ingredients is poured slowly into the previously prepared sugar and coconut cream mixture. The remaining half of coconut cream is added next and slowly while mixing continuously.Also in another mixing bowl, eggs are beaten until light and thick, then added with melted butter (or margarine) and mixed to blend well. The mix is pour in the previously prepared galapong batter mix.For the baking pan, sheets of fresh banana leaves are laid as linings on 2 large round flat pans. The prepared batter is poured into the pans, spread thinly and evenly. If banana leaves is unavailable, tinfoil or parchment paper will do.Baking proceed in the preheated oven. The bibingka royal is baked until it is dry and hold its shape. Toothpick test will tell that the rice cake is done.
When done, and while the rice cake is still hot, the top side is brushed with butter (or margarine) then sprinkled with white sugar and grated cheese.Bibingka royal is sliced like pizza and served with the optional siding of shredded coconut meat. You may spread coconut shreds as additional toppings right before eating the rice cake.

Bibingka royal from the food stall in Tuguegarao City's Mall of Valley.

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Edgie Polistico